Hamlet Village
My journey to our Hamlet Village has been deeply personal. While searching for a school for my son in our Harlem community, I encountered significant inequities in the early childhood education landscape. I learned how many young learners were deprived of developmentally appropriate opportunities to explore and represent their world, leading to a weaker foundation in mathematics, language, and life skills.
This realization inspired me to partner with Concrete Life Experiences (CLE), a local preschool in Harlem. Our goal is to address educational inequities by enhancing early childhood education through innovative play-based learning methods. This project leverages the transformative power of block play, backed by robust educational research, to foster cognitive, social, and emotional development among young learners.
Hamlet Village is about introducing families and communites to the joy of learning and reimagining how we connect the dots from the wonder of childhood to the analytical skills required for success in mathematics and beyond. Join us, and let's embark on this transformative journey together, fostering a community where every child can find their place in the vast world of knowledge.
Our Learning Pot
YouTube Learning
Embark on your learning journey with us! Explore our vibrant community and delve into insightful math reasoning routines on our YouTube channel.
Learning Tools
Are you intrigued by the products offered within our learning community? Check our some useful materials.
The Lighthouse Blog
Welcome to The Lighthouse! Discover fresh ideas, engage with our community, and fuel your intellectual journey with us. Let's learn together!
Family Events (NYC)
Are you a family in NYC looking for great learnng oppotunities for your little ones, check out our list of events!